
But these are beautifully colored hair… The combing head has several colored strands in blond hair. Small hairdressers can invent imaginative hairstyles, for example, by braiding a colored strand into blond hair to create a multicolored braid. Four elastic bands and two staples always keep beautiful, high-quality hairs right where they should be. Blond hair can be even more beautiful if you stain it with colored chalk – pink, purple and turquoise. And when a small model has a lot of color on the hair, you just comb the chalk out. Snap-on decorations and stickers of various shapes and colors are a great decoration for the doll’s neck and face. And of course you cannot miss those beautiful glittering eyelashes… The older sister BABY born Combing head with colored chalks with lots of handy accessories.

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3+ ετών


Gialamas Collection

